Our Services
Energy Audit & Consultancy
Energy conserved is energy produced, with this philosophy in mind we analyze the current energy consumption patterns and give recommendations for properly regulated sustainable use of energy ; it suggests how to reduce excessive consumption benefiting the organization as it saves money and conserves energy too. Whoever wants an energy audit done for there organization be it school, hospital, factory please contact.
Waste Management & Consultancy
Forget the concept of throw it away, because away is a place somewhere on earth. ” A Resource not in it’s correct place is a waste”, with this philosophy and our basic concept of waste we act as partners and help in setting up waste management system. Be it biogas, segregation, sale of recyclables we provide proper guidance throughout the process. To keep a track of waste generation we also provide waste audits which monitor our waste production and provides methods to the 3R’s reduce, reuse, recycle.
Green Audits
We help organizations in assessment of there impact on environment. We thus do activities such as document the existing status of various natural resources, finding opportunity for conservation of resources, assist in waste management, prepare a green campus plan & design conservation plans, educate the staff about environmental conservation.
Training Programs
We at Shubhankar wish to be the change makers as said earlier. So, whoever wants a change in themselves regarding the way they treat our mother earth can join our hands and educate themselves with our training programs that are custom made to suit the requirements of the joiners with special focus on waste and energy management. Contact us for further queries.
CSR Consultancy
Sufficient funds can drive positive work. By using CSR resources impactful work can be done when we have ideas and capability. We offer consultancy in framing CSR programs. We partner with organizations having CSR resources in executing project assuring quality of outcome.